One of the most important features of any automated imaging script includes the ability to determine exactly where the imaging system is pointing at any given time. This is accomplished by astrometric plate solves that correlates positions of stars in an image with predetermined, known star positions. The combination of CCDSoft and the Sky6 (or MaxIm DL Pro and Pinpoint) provide a software path to implement this feature. For my astro-imaging purposes, I've chosen a more convoluted path to achieving plate solves. Specifically, I acquire my plate solve images using MaxIm DL (which pulls approximate RA and Dec coordinates of the image's center from the Sky6 via an ASCOM driver), then load the image into CCDSoft to perform the actual plate solve operation.
In order to capture the initial image to be plate solved it is necessary to add some code to the 'cCamera' class. A new class constant that specifies the save directory of the plate solve images is added at the top of the module:
PLATESOLVE_PATH = r"c:\\imaging scripts\\plate_solve_images\\"
Also, two new methods are added to the 'cCamera' class. These new methods are shown below:
def exposePlateSolve(self,length,filterSlot,name,printlog):
while not self.__CAMERA.ImageReady:
# save exposure into plate solve folder
printlog.log(0,"Saving plate solve image...")
self.__CAMERA.SaveImage(PLATESOLVE_PATH + name + "")
def setQuarterSubFrame(self):
self.__CAMERA.StartX = self.CAMERA.CameraXSize / 4
self.__CAMERA.StartY = self.CAMERA.CameraYSize / 4
self.__CAMERA.NumX = self.CAMERA.CameraXSize / 2
self.__CAMERA.NumY = self.CAMERA.CameraYSize / 2
The method 'exposePlateSolve()' is used to capture the image, generate a filename, and save the image to the directory specified by PLATESOLVE_PATH. (Typically, all my plate solve images are unbinned, 10-second exposures taken through the luminance filter.) Since plate solves using CCDSoft and the Sky6 do not execute reliably on large images, I always use sub-framing to reduce the image size to one-fourth the area of a full-size frame. The 'setQuarterSubFrame()' method is responsible for setting up the reduced sub-frame so that the center of the sub-frame and the center of the full-size frame coincide.
The next listing shows a new class named 'cPlateSolver'. This class is responsible for initiating the plate solve operation through CCDSoft. CCDSoft, in turn, calls on the Sky6 to assist with the matching of stars in the database with the stars in the plate solve image. The listing for 'cPlateSolver' is shown below:
import pythoncom
import win32com.client
PLATESOLVE_PATH = r"c:\\Imaging_Scripts\\plate_solve_images\\"
class cPlateSolver:
def __init__(self,printlog):
printlog.log(0,"Connecting to CCDSoft...")
self.__IMAGE = win32com.client.Dispatch("CCDSoft.Image")
def insertWCS(self,name,targetRA,targetDec,mount,printlog):
plateSolveResults = []
# open in CCDSoft and perform plate solve
self.__IMAGE.Path = PLATESOLVE_PATH + name + ""
# set image scale in CCDSoft
self.__IMAGE.ScaleInArcsecondsPerPixel = IMAGESCALE
except pythoncom.com_error, (hr, msg, exc, arg):
errorstr = exc[2]
errorstr = errorstr.replace('\n',' ')
printlog.log(0,"Plate Solve %s" % errorstr)
plateSolveResults = [0.0,0.0,-1,-1]
# if no errors, report results
printlog.log(0,"Plate Solve Results:")
printlog.log(1,"Image Scale: %0.3f asp" % IMAGESCALE)
printlog.log(1,"North Angle: %0.2f deg" % self.__IMAGE.NorthAngle)
# get 2000 Epoch RA and Dec of center of plate solved image
RADec = self.__IMAGE.XYToRADec(self.__IMAGE.Width/2.0,
J2000RA = mount.getAngleToDMS(RADec[0])
printlog.log(1,"Solved RA (J2000) : %02dh %02dm %0.2fs" % \
J2000DEC = mount.getAngleToDMS(RADec[1])
printlog.log(1,"Solved DEC (J2000): %02d deg %02d' %0.2f\"" % \
# Compute angular separation and position angle from
# plate solved location to target location
angSeparation = mount.getAngularSeparation(targetRA,targetDec,
positionAngle = mount.getPositionAngle(targetRA,targetDec,
angSeparation = angSeparation * 3600
printlog.log(1,"Pointing error = %0.2f arcsec at %0.2f deg" % \
return plateSolveResults
def execPlateSolve(self,camera,mount,name,targetRA,targetDec,printlog,
# set binning to unbinned
printlog.log(0,"Setting imager bin mode to 1x1")
# set up camera for quarter-size subframe in center
# take 10 second exposure
printlog.log(0,"Exposing 10 second image for Plate Solve...")
if mode.upper() == "IMAGE":
#insert WCS
printlog.log(0,"Performing plate solve with CCDSoft and The Sky6...")
return self.insertWCS(name,targetRA,targetDec,mount,printlog)
## END OF 'cPlateSolver' Class
Two constants are declared and initialized at the top of the listing. 'IMAGESCALE' contains the arc-seconds per pixel resolution of the image to be solved and 'PLATESOLVE_PATH' is the path to the directory where the image has been stored. The class constructor creates an instance of the 'Image' object of CCDSoft.
The plate solve operation is initiated by a call to the 'execPlateSolve()' method of 'cPlateSolver'. This method sets up the binning and sub-framing of the plate solve image then calls the 'exposePlateSolveImage()' method of the 'camera' instance of the 'cCamera' object. The image is then exposed and saved under a name that is generated using the 'name' argument of the method (the save filename is modified if the mode is determined to be something other than 'Image'). After the plate solve image is exposed and saved, the plate solve operation is performed by a call to the 'insertWCS()' method.
The 'insertWCS()' method is fairly simple. After opening the plate solve image in CCDSoft and setting the 'ScaleInArcsecondsPerPixel' attribute, the 'insertWCS()' method of CCDSoft's 'Image' object is called from inside a try...except...else construct. If the plate solve fails, an informative error message is printed to the screen and log file. Otherwise, the RA and Dec coordinates of the plate solve image's center is determined using the 'XYToRADec()' method of CCDSoft's 'Image' object. The RA and Declination are reformatted, written to screen and log file, and appended to the 'plateSolveResults' list data structure. Additionally, the separation (in arc-seconds) and position angle from the solved coordinates to the intended coordinates are found, written to screen and log file, and also appended to the 'plateSolveResults' list. This is is then returned to the calling routine ('execPlateSolve()') which, in turn, returns the list to its calling routine.
The unit test for this class demonstrates use of the methods in the 'cPlateSolver' class and is shown below:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import cLogger_6
import cCamera_6
import cMount_6
# set up path and name of the logfile
cCameraLogFile = r"C:\Imaging_Scripts\logfiles\cplatesolver.log"
# instantiate the class with the path and name
printer = cLogger_6.cLogger(cCameraLogFile)
printer.logHeader('Unit Test cPlateSolver Class')
# Create an instance of the cCamera class
testCamera = cCamera_6.cCamera(printer)
# Create an instance of the cMount class
testMount = cMount_6.cMount(printer)
# Create an instance of the cPlateSolver class
testPlateSolve = cPlateSolver(printer)
objects = ['M92','M107']
for obj in objects:
if not testMount.findObject(obj):
printer.log(0,"%s located" % (obj,))
coords = testMount.getCoordinates()
targetRA = coords['RA J2000']
targetDec = coords['DEC J2000']
DMScoords = testMount.getAngleToDMS(targetRA)
printer.log(0,"%s RA (J2000) = %02.0fh %02.0fm %02.0fs" % \
DMScoords = testMount.getAngleToDMS(targetDec)
printer.log(0,"%s Dec (J2000) = %02.0fd %02.0f' %02.0f\"" % \
psResults = testPlateSolve.execPlateSolve(testCamera,testMount,
printer.log(0,"%s could not be found." % obj)
In the unit test shown above, after importing the 'cLogger', 'cCamera', and 'cMount' modules, an instance of the class contained in each module is created. An instance of the 'cPlateSolver' class is then created and two object names are placed in a list. Next, a loop is entered that iterates through the object list. The first step of the loop is to find the object in the Sky6's database and, if found, extract the object's RA and Declination coordinates which are used as the target or intended coordinates. The 'execPlateSolve()' method of the 'cPlateSolver' object is then called with mode set to something other than 'Image'. This causes the plate solve image's name to be mangled by inserting '_test' in the middle of the file name. This is so as to not overwrite the actual plate solve image that is used to generate a successful plate solve after image acquisition. The process is then repeated for each object in the list.
Like in previous posts, before testing classes in this section, the Sky6 simulator must be manually connected to the telescope control system using the usual procedure. Also, the imaging and guide cameras in MaxIm DL should be first connected to the simulated cameras. The 'cPlateSolver' module can then be executed from the IDE in the normal manner. The source files described in this chapter can be downloaded from Note: the .fit files included in the .zip must be placed in the same directory that the plate solve images are saved to.
As an additional exercise, edit the unit test for the 'cPlateSolver' module and completely remove the 'test' argument in the call to the 'execPlateSolve()' method then run the module. This will cause the plate solve image's name to NOT be mangled and will thus overwrite the real plate solve image included in the .zip file (so, you should make a copy of the actual .fit image prior to this test.). After the plate solve image is taken, the image generated from the simulator will be used for a plate solve. Obviously, this will fail but the manner of the failure is instructive. If the error message returned is 'Plate Solve Error: command failed. Error code = 206 (0xce).' this most likely means the RA and Declination coordinates of the center of the image were not placed into the FITS header of the plate solve image (look for keywords 'OBJCTRA' and 'OBJCTDEC'). Conversely, if the error message is 'Plate Solve Image link failed because there are not enough stars in the image. Try adjusting the image's background and range. Error code = 651 (0x28b).', this indicates that the image just can't be solved (and this is the expected behavior).
In the next post, I will present a new class that demonstrates the use of 'FocusMax' using MaxIm DL Pro. The module will include a unit test which can't be executed from in a simulator mode but must have real stars, real images, and a properly configured 'FocusMax' to execute successfully.